Principles and practice of Structural Equation Modeling Ch.7


今のところraw dataはないので、共分散行列を入力してそれを分析することになる。

clear all
ssd init coercive burnout support tpi experien somatic
ssd set obs 109
ssd set cov 69.009572 \ 28.868204  95.447038 \ -22.427279 -49.071453 110.695649 \   -16.805466 1.011164 9.805758 25 \  -4.987848 3.406984 2.808509 12.160924 13.822037 \  -15.269773 -0.68495 8.707448 19.179989 9.728453 27.787658
ssd list
sem (burnout<-coercive support) (tpi<-coercive support burnout) (experien<-tpi) (somatic<-tpi), cov(coercive*support)
estat gof, stats(all)
Endogenous variables

Observed:  burnout tpi experien somatic

Exogenous variables

Observed:  coercive support

Fitting target model:

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -2052.8451  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -2052.8451  

Structural equation model                       Number of obs     =        109
Estimation method  = ml
Log likelihood     = -2052.8451

               |                 OIM
               |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
Structural     |
  burnout <-   |
      coercive |   .2935851   .0984724     2.98   0.003     .1005828    .4865873
       support |  -.3838194   .0777506    -4.94   0.000    -.5362078    -.231431
  tpi <-       |
       burnout |   .1424866   .0510318     2.79   0.005     .0424661    .2425072
      coercive |  -.2717027   .0545622    -4.98   0.000    -.3786426   -.1647629
       support |   .0966997   .0458219     2.11   0.035     .0068904    .1865089
  experien <-  |
           tpi |    .486437   .0538653     9.03   0.000     .3808629    .5920111
  somatic <-   |
           tpi |   .7671996   .0692629    11.08   0.000     .6314468    .9029524
 var(e.burnout)|   67.51208    9.14499                      51.77024    88.04055
     var(e.tpi)|   19.16417   2.595923                      14.69565    24.99144
var(e.experien)|   7.833977   1.061168                      6.007324    10.21606
 var(e.somatic)|   12.95285   1.754555                      9.932622    16.89143
  var(coercive)|   68.37646   9.262076                      52.43307    89.16776
   var(support)|   109.6801   14.85695                      84.10591    143.0306
       support)|  -22.22152   8.563488    -2.59   0.009    -39.00565   -5.437396
LR test of model vs. saturated: chi2(7)   =      3.93, Prob > chi2 = 0.7877

. estat gof, stats(all)

Fit statistic        |      Value   Description
Likelihood ratio     |
          chi2_ms(7) |      3.931   model vs. saturated
            p > chi2 |      0.788
         chi2_bs(14) |    211.718   baseline vs. saturated
            p > chi2 |      0.000
Population error     |
               RMSEA |      0.000   Root mean squared error of approximation
 90% CI, lower bound |      0.000
         upper bound |      0.078
              pclose |      0.882   Probability RMSEA <= 0.05
Information criteria |
                 AIC |   4133.690   Akaike's information criterion
                 BIC |   4171.369   Bayesian information criterion
Baseline comparison  |
                 CFI |      1.000   Comparative fit index
                 TLI |      1.031   Tucker-Lewis index
Size of residuals    |
                SRMR |      0.034   Standardized root mean squared residual
                  CD |      0.447   Coefficient of determination